Associazione Radicali Cuneo Gianfranco Donadei
Associazione Radicali Cuneo Gianfranco Donadei
Tel: 0171.502138
Tel: 0171.502138
Via XX Settembre 28, 12100 Cuneo
Codice fiscale: 96099610048
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ApertaMente is an association federated with the Associazione Radicali Cuneo “Gianfranco Donadei and established in August 2022, on the inspiration of FUORI (Italian Revolutionary Homosexual Unitary Front) . We promote initiatives on the human, civil and sexual freedoms of all individuals, with particular attention to the rights of the LGBTQIA + community. The Association pursues the promotion of the prevention and contrast of all forms of violence connected to the sexual characteristics, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression of the person; promotes the full sexual freedom and responsibility of the person and his right to self-determination; promotes, initiatives for the protection and assistance of people who are victims of violence, mistreatment and discrimination, direct or indirect; promotes causes, nonviolent, cultural and social initiatives to promote the rights of LGBTQIA + people, same-sex couples and their families, as well as sex workers; promotes the implementation of studies and research, training and updating, on issues related to the purpose, with particular attention to the problems related to the exclusion from the full enjoyment of the rights provided by the Constitutional Charter and by international, European, national and regional legislation.
The statutory offices:
-Secretary: Dante Anderlini
-Treasurer: Alice Depetro
-Honorary President: Luigi Ferri
Quota minima di iscrizione €30, consigliata €50. Quota minima under 28 €15, consigliata €30.
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